Light Trap Hamburg 2018
As a part of the event Langer Tag der StadtNatur / GEO-Tag der Natur
Nana Petzet
On Friday and Saturday, 15 and 16 June 2018, the Light Trap was once more under way in the port from dusk until 1 am. The framework for this action was provided by the Lange Tag der StadtNatur (Long Day of Urban Nature) initiated for the eighth time by the Loki Schmidt Stiftung (Loki Schmidt Foundation). In altogether 220 public events, various places in Hamburg and the region – generally inaccessible to the public – were explored with regard to their biodiversity. The Loki Schmidt Stiftung was supported by the association Verein GEO-Tag der Natur and the Center of Natural History (CeNak) at the University of Hamburg. The main sponsor for this year was the foundation Stiftung Lebensraum. For 2018, the particular focus was on the Elbe as a lifeline for the region.
On the initiative of Dr. Martin Kubiak, who organized the scientific monitoring of the activities on behalf of the CeNak, the opportunity arose to repeat our investigations by staging Light Trap Hamburg 2018 and thereby to continue our science-based data collection. This time, finding the right experts was therefore not a problem, instead, the difficulty was to find a ship: as the Repsold was already scheduled for the Baltic Sea, we needed to find an appropriate alternative. Neither the Stiftung Hamburg Maritim (Hamburg Maritime Foundation), nor the Port Museum Hamburg, a branch of the Museum of Work possessing historical vessels of the right size, were willing to collaborate. Unfortunately, negotiations with the owners of the police boat Ottenstreuer at the Museumshafen Övelgönne (Museum Harbour Övelgönne) also failed to lead to results. With Christine Röthig and Jan Peters, co-founders of the association Fördervereins Hamburger Hafenlieger Verein (HHLV), we finally managed to find the right cooperation partners.
As we learned during our first inspection with Hans Georg Losekamm, the launch Elsa, built in 1908, 13 m long and 2,86 m wide, was smaller than the fire-fighting boat Repsold. The motorboat was, however, nonetheless big enough to fit the light object and the historical 3-cylinder Jastram diesel engine strong enough to transport it. We figured out that if we were to place the light trap on deck centrally, it would slightly protrude beyond the ship’s edge. Different from the way the light trap was positioned on the Repsold, where observers would stand in front of a railing on its elevated deck, on board the Elsa, they would sit on benches installed all around the ship’s sides.

The Elsa with the Light Trap on 15 June 2018, seen from the site of the Lion King. Photo: Helge Mundt
The aluminium construction of the Light Trap, which had been dismantled and stored at Am Saalehafen 49 for three years, was reassembled and equipped with illuminants on the grounds of Hans-Georg Losekamm, Otto Nupnau and Patrick Studt. When Jan Peters, the ship’s master navigating the Elsa on both nights, landed at the Saalehafen at 18:00 hrs on Friday, 15 June together with his deckhand Radeck, the Light Trap was thus ready to be installed on the boat. After completion of the action Light Trap 2018, it was Hans Georg Losekamm and Björn Losekamm who dismounted the object. Since then, it has been reassembled again and installed on a landing pier belonging to the port area at Am Saalehafen 49.

Friday, 15 June 2018, Hans-Georg Losekamm und Otto Nupnau install the trap on the launch Elsa by means of a reach stacker. Photo: Helge Mundt
Announced in the programme of Langer Tag der StadtNatur / GEO-Tag der Natur was a guided walk under the titled “The Nightly Port of Hamburg” with a subsequent artistic light action. The magazine GEO, organizer of the event, reported about it on their website and on Facebook. We informed about the new tours with the Light Trap via a newsletter and the mailing list “echo”, on Facebook and on the project website as follows: “On Friday, 14 June 2018 the Light Trap will appear at Überseebrücke, Baumwall from 8 to 9 pm and will be seen navigating in front of Park Fiction between 10:30 and 11:30 pm. On Saturday, 16 June 2018 the Light Trap can be spotted between 8 and 9 pm in front of the Lion King venue and the HafenCity area. Later on, we will mainly stay near the Köhlbrand, where we will meet a group for a guided tour at the fairy berth Neuhof at 10:30 pm.
With Helge Mundt (photography) and Marc Wiebach (film), we were supported by an experienced documentation team. The event organizer had commissioned the photographer Berthold Steinhilber and his assistant to take pictures of the light action.

11:15 pm, Marc Wiebach, Helge Mundt, Berthold Steinhilber and his assistant document the sampling. Photo: Helge Mundt
In the course of the boat’s tours, I coordinated the documentation of the action and the embarking and disembarking of the guests, and the team of entomologists and their assistants. With Timo Zeimet and Armin Günther, the Center of Natural History had charged two experts specialized in nocturnal butterflies with the collection and handling of the specimens. Both are master students, Armin Günther in the field of molecular life sciences, and Timo Zeimet studied ecology and entomology at the CeNak. On board as assistants were Carolin Uhlir, master student in biology at the CeNak, and Fritz Wienecke, a friend of Armin Günther, who helped with catching the insects. All necessary utensils, such as nets, specimen containers and a GPS device, were provided by the CeNak. Denatured alcohol of approx. 70 percent was used for the conservation of the animals.

Route of Elsa with the Light Trap in the night of 15 June 2018
When Martin Kubiak proposed to operate the Light Trap once more, I was immediately enthused about the idea. A repetition of the activities would surely increase the credibility of the collected data. Two trips on subsequent nights would have enabled us to determine the attraction of insects by the blue glow of the gas discharge lamps and compare it to the effects of 250 W mercury vapour lamps, whose use in the field is quasi standardized. But this time, we were less concerned with the regular light event Blue Port and its consequences. Instead, we asked ourselves: what is being attracted and how much?
As regards the route, we once more planned a combination of revealing and conducting research. Concerning the collection of specimens, navigating and stopping were strictly kept apart. No specimens were collected while navigating. When a resting place was reached, possible “blind passengers” were shaken out of the cloth, if the airflow had not already blown away the insects.

On 15 June, high tide was at 6:30 pm. The weather that evening was fairly suitable for collecting insects: no rain, but a temperature of only 20 degrees and it was slightly windy.
We waited at the Dessauer Brücke until ca. 7:30 pm, until low tide had reached the point where it was possible to access the Hansahafen. From the Hansahafen, the Elsa headed straight towards the Baumwall. Together with the opening guests of the Langer Tag der StadtNatur / GEO-Tag der Natur, we then cruised in front of the Elbphilharmonie and Baumwall within sight of the MS Commodore.

Photo: Helge Mundt
21:30, landing pier by the Maritime Museum in the Magdeburger Hafen / HafenCity. Altogether ten guests came on board in the course of these two days, and they embarked and disembarked at this landing. At this point, also Dr. Martin Kubiak from the Center of Natural History, specialist for caddisflies, and Dr. Christiane Bramer, specialized in bugs, could join us on board. We navigated to the Moldauhafen, where there were overgrown fallow grounds near the shore and it was calmer. A first composite sample was collected:
15 June 2018, 9:30 pm
Port of Hamburg
Moldauhafen, GEO1 N53°31.992
Light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet: flies (Diptera), non-biting midges (Chironomidae), one leafhopper (Cicadellidae), total >50 individuals)

We entered the clearly calmer Moldauhafen with overgrown fallow grounds near the shores. Photo: Helge Mundt

Dr. Martin Kubiak. Photo: Helge Mundt
The next sampling activities took place while guests disembarked at the landing of the Maritime Museum:
15 June 2018, 10:30 pm
Port of Hamburg
Maritime Museum N53°32.546
Light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet: three caddisflies (Trichoptera)
We cruised in front of Park Fiction by the Landungsbrücken once more and in front of Blohm & Voss. On the way Timo Zeimet took a single sample in front of the Elbphilharmonie:
15 June 2018, 11 pm
Port of Hamburg
Elbphilharmonie N53°32.539
Light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet: one non-biting midge (Chironomidae), one caddisfly (Trichoptera)

After a nightly “port tour” in areas that were rather more quiet and green, like the Klütenfelder Hafen, we reached the berthing place for the night at Berliner Ufer in the Spreehafen, near the subway station Veddel. At 12 pm we spent one hour taking samples with the boat’s engine turned off, while the power for the light object was supplied by electricity from the land instead of the noisy generator. We thus could gain a considerable composite sample:
15 June 2018, 12 pm
Port of Hamburg
GEO2 N53°31.198
Light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet, in ethyl acetate: a beetle (Coleoptera) perhaps Tenebrionidae, in alcohol: non-biting midges (Chironomidae), flies (Diptera, e.g. Calliphoridae and other families), caddisflies (Trichoptera), one butterfly (Lepidoptera, Yponomeuta sp.), leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), total <50 individuals)
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Dr. Martin Kubiak, Dr. Christiane Bramer, Timo Zeimet and Armin Günther while sampling in the Moldauhafen in mild temperatures. Photo: Helge Mundt
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Route of the Elsa with the Light Trap on the night of 16 June 2018.
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The Elsa travels to its place of action. Photo: Helge Mundt
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On Saturday, 16 June 2018 high tide was at 7:24 pm. Departure from Spreehafen at 8:30 pm. Helge and Marc awaited the boat near the site of the Lion King, where we cruised about and occasionally took samples with the scoop net. It was not really dark yet.
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9:30 pm, embarking and disembarking of guests at the landing pier Maritime Museum
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Jan Peters took the route via Blohm & Voss, Landungsbrücken and then turned southward into the Reiherstieg. We had an interesting ride through the Rethe, where we took a single sample:
16 June 2018, 10:45 pm
Port of Hamburg
K1 N53°30.464
Light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet: one non-biting midge (Chironomidae), one caddisfly (Trichoptera)
Coming from the south under the Köhlbrandbrücke, we then arrived at the landing pier Neuhof at 11:15 pm, where we met with the participants of the excursion “The Nightly Port of Hamburg”, guided by Dr. Martin Kubiak and Dr. Christiane Bramer.
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At 11:00 pm the participants were waiting at the landing Neuhof for the arrival of the Light Trap. Photo: Helge Mundt
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23:15 Anleger Neuhof, Treffen mit der von Dr. Martin Kubiak, Dr. Christiane Bramer geführten Gruppe. Foto: Helge Mundt
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Meanwhile, a further composite sample was taken:
16 June 2018, 11:30 pm
Light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet: non-biting midges (Chironomidae), may flies (Ephemeroptera), caddisflies (Trichoptera), water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae), round fungus beetles (Leiodidae), rove beetles (Staphylinidae), scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae), leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), ants (Formicidae), total <50 individuals
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Timo Zeimet informiert die Besucher über die Fänge. Foto: Helge Mundt
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12 pm, return to the Spreehafen: when we wanted to start sampling by the landing at Spreehafen it began to rain slightly, so we finished earlier than the day before.
16 June 2018, 12:15pm
Port of Hamburg
Spreehafen N53°31.196
Light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet: one ichneumon wasp (Ichneumonidae), two caddisflies (Trichoptera)
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Armin Günther, Carolin Uhlir and Fritz Wienecke collect specimens for the sample: 16 June 2018 GEO-Tag, Hamburger Hafen/GEO3, N53°31.450/E009°56.444, light trap sampling leg. T. Zeimet. Photo: Helge Mundt
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In a first assessment, Timo Zeimet appraises the experimental process as follows: “During the quiet phases, when the presentation was not in the focus, it was possible to conduct scientific light trap sampling and to observe the attraction of the installation on insects in the surroundings. On Friday and Saturday, we were able to catch a large number of Diptera (dipterous insects, here flies and midges). In addition, animals from the order of Trichoptera (hair wings, here caddisflies), Lepitoptera (scale wings, here moths) and water-scavenger beetles were attracted. The evaluation of the collected data is still to be finalized, but this surely will be exiting, as such a large installation is used very seldom on a river system. It would also be interesting to undertake tours over the year, allowing to compare results and to use different kinds of illuminants to specify and standardize the attraction on insects.
With our octagonal “experimental Batz,” we initially had critically questioned the signals conveyed by the “silent spectacle” Blue Port, in the service of tourism and in the name of art. Based on our participation in the Langen Tag der StadtNatur / GEO-Tag der Natur, the possibility was created for us to go beyond this and make a statement, by means of the list of species, regarding the biodiversity in the port of Hamburg. One felicitous moment is unforgettable to me when, on Friday night in warm temperatures, the Elsa lay tranquilly in the Spreehafen while the illuminants were powered by electricity from the land. Here, the artwork Light Trap rested in itself, as it were. Insects were attracted from all sides, and the researchers were able to go about their work undisturbedly, and at 2:40 am, I could clearly observe how a caddisfly slowly stretched its long antennas from out of the shadow into the blue light of the four-metre-high octagon.
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Nana Petzet, Künstlerin
Bernd Reuter, Artenschutzbiologe
Hans-Georg Losekamm, Werbetechnik Losekamm
Marc Wiebach, motion graphic designer
Helge Mundt, Helge Mundt Photography
Christine Röthig und Jan Peters (Förderverein Hamburger Hafenlieger Verein (HHLV))